ercol grandfather rocking chair '315' #0207
Width: Approx. 73cm
Depth: Approx. 80cm
Height: Approx. 95cm
Seat height: approx. 44cm
Material: Elm, beech, fabric
Ercol Grandfather Rocking Chair
ercol grandfather rocking chair '315'
Ercol's Grandfather Rocking Chair. This chair is a landmark in the evolution of British Windsor chairs. The fabric has been reupholstered with new fabric purchased in the UK. The combination of the greige European stripe pattern and the medium brown wood color is very chic. In the 1960s, the back cushion was sold as an option, so chairs with it are rare. The seating comfort is not as deep as a sofa, making it easy to stand and sit, and you can sit comfortably for long periods of time. Sofas are often the only option in Japanese living rooms, but many people are looking for a sofa chair that doesn't require sitting down.
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